If you take the Company of Music at its word, it is a company of music. What a utopia in our society to know of such a society for music that knows how to raise its voices like the Company of Music: centuries, different origins, space and time dissolve in the now of sound. It is not a utopia, the Company of Music is a magical reality. Austria's only professional vocal ensemble with its own cycle at the Wiener Konzerthaus has been exploring this dimension of reality for a long time. The spectrum of this vocal collective ranges from the 15th century to baroque milestones to classical modernism and ends in the multifaceted present, exactly where everything is just beginning anew. There are no boundaries, not even in the complicity with other art camps such as performance, literature and film. It is simply about the eternal adventure of the concert event. The Company of Music's uncompromising willingness to take risks and the urgency of accomplished vocal musicianship have earned it a regular place, which, in the best case, can be found directly under the listener's skin - in many concert halls or at renowned festivals around the world.
(Norbert Trawöger, 2017)
If you take the Company of Music at its word, it is a company of music. What a utopia in our society to know of such a society for music that knows how to raise its voices like the Company of Music: centuries, different origins, space and time dissolve in the now of sound. It is not a utopia, the Company of Music is a magical reality. Austria's only professional vocal ensemble with its own cycle at the Wiener Konzerthaus has been exploring this dimension of reality for a long time. The spectrum of this vocal collective ranges from the 15th century to baroque milestones to classical modernism and ends in the multifaceted present, exactly where everything is just beginning anew. There are no boundaries, not even in the complicity with other art camps such as performance, literature and film. It is simply about the eternal adventure of the concert event. The Company of Music's uncompromising willingness to take risks and the urgency of accomplished vocal musicianship have earned it a regular place, which, in the best case, can be found directly under the listener's skin - in many concert halls or at renowned festivals around the world.
(Norbert Trawöger, 2017)