Light is more than just brightness. It is a carrier of memory, a medium of orientation and at the same time a structure that shapes, penetrates and shifts spaces. In LichtStrauss, a multi-layered light and media landscape unfolds in which real and virtual layers merge. The chromotopes created here - specially created light spaces - are not static objects, but permeable pictorial spaces that only take shape in movement, in the experience of the viewer. They serve as stages for seven artists whose digital personas become visible through augmented reality. In this structure of light, bodies and projections, the question of visibility and the appropriation of space is posed anew - a shift in perception that makes public space tangible as a place of experience and the negotiation of history.
The AR experience is accessible at all times - a free play with light, space and digital presence. But for those who want to explore more deeply, the guided tours on Fridays and Saturdays offer more than just orientation. They weave together the background to Strauss' female figures, artistic locations in the festival and the invisible stories of the public space. The aim here is not just to see the artwork, but to understand it in its depth - as a moment that changes with every movement and as a trace that remains long after the light has gone out.
The guided tours on Friday will be held in German, the guided tours on Saturday in English.